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March 7th MetaZoo Showcase Video Breakdown!


The HIGHLY anticipated March 7th MetaZoo Showcase Video is HERE, and it is jam-packed with updates about new card designs, gameplay mechanics and an expansive community engagement plan that will shape the next phase of MetaZoo! Read on below for a summary of the video. No time to read the whole thing? Scroll to the bottom for our TL;DR! 

Booster Boxes, Packs and Alpha Demo Decks 

The new base set booster box will contain 24 packs which will feature 11 gameplay cards and one aura or token card in each pack. Each case of booster boxes has a chance to contain the amazing alt art booster box illustrated by the man, the myth, the legend - Poncho. 

Booster Boxes

Additionally, Alpha Demo Packs will serve as an entry point for both new and veteran players providing a simplified introduction to the game's core mechanics before actually playing a game with the full ruleset.

We had a look at a alpha demo pack and promo pack opening by GQL Associate Graphic Design Manager, Nate Harris. There are 23 cards included in the new alpha demo packs which will act as your main deck and other supporting cards in the demo version of the game. Your main deck in the demo will consist of 15 total cards whereas in the full game it will consist of 50.

Alpha Demo Packs

Booster Pack Composition

Sr. Director of Product Development & Game Designer Shaun Kauffman introduced us to what we can expect when opening up a booster pack. Each pack will contain 6 common cards, 2 uncommon cards, 1 reverse holo and 2 holo rareswith the possibility of pulling a textured alt art! Shiny cardboard fans everywhere will be pleased when they open up any pack of MetaZoo.

We then were treated with some alt art previews including Sun Wukong, Rainbow Crow, Trample and Sword of Surtr. The traditional borders are removed on these cards and texturized. 

Website, Lore, Card Lists & the MetaZoo Magazine

Mike Ryan, Senior Editor of the MetaZoo and Card Pro Magazine gave us a very brief glimpse inside the first issue and what we can expect to see moving forward. The only images shown were the cover of the magazine and a brief excerpt of an interview with Charlie Hurlocker. The magazine will be 36 pages, and feature 2 MetaZoo Base Set Booster Packs, 2 MetaZoo Alpha Demo Packs, and 1 MetaZoo TCG Alpha Promo Pack. 

MetaZoo Magazine

We were also treated with the news that the official MetaZoo TCG Website is now live (access it by clicking HERE). On this website you will be able to learn about the cryptids that inspire the world of MetaZoo with expertly sourced authors who will post stories, novel chapters and give  foundational background information about the creatures that resonate with people from around the world. Along with the lore section the website will feature an *almost* complete card list(they can't spoil every surprise now can they?) and new art periodically. 

Learn to Play the Demo Game!

Donovan Eberling, Game Design & Development Manager walked us through the pre-game set up for the demo version of MetaZoo TCG. On the official MetaZoo Website, there is an easy to digest tutorial series detailing how exactly to get started with a demo game from pre-game set up to scoring mission points to win the match. Want to give them a watch? Click HERE!

Demo Playmat

Just a note - the demo game only allows you to play with a very limited set of cards and only one aura type per player. The full game will feature aura trading, allowing multicolor play with 200 cards to build your deck with. The demo game also is designed to last approximately half as long as a full length game and features 3 lanes instead of the full game's 4.

Interested in learning to play? Be on the lookout for our next post which will be exclusively focused on gameplay!

MetaZoo's Amazing Artists

We can thank Emily Arons, COO of GQL for the all-star group of world-wide artists that will be critical in propelling the game's success forward. We then were taken to see a familiar face here at MZN, none other than Kelsey Jachino! (Read our interview with her HERE!). In this brief interview, we get to know a bit more about Kelsey and her artistic vision when designing the 4 aura cards we will be playing in the game. She related that she takes inspiration from real life photos of different natural phenomena and tries to use that frame of reference for her art. She also discussed her Van Gogh style that can easily be seen on these beautiful cards! She then ended by thanking all of YOU, the community that makes up MetaZoo for all of the support over the years. We love ya Kelsey!

Expansion #1 Sneak Peak?

Travis Nunlist, Sr. Director of Operations and Game Designer, discussed the first expansion for MetaZoo and confirmed our suspicion that it will introduce the Water Aura into the game. While details are sparse, Travis left us with one spoiler that was very well recivied within the community - the Loveland Frogman! Pictured below, the Loveland Frogman is without a doubt one of the most beloved cryptids in the MetaZoo universe and to see it so well represented was exciting for fans new and old.

Loveland Frogman Spoiler

One detail that Travis did let slip is that the water aura will be focused on controlling lanes and cards your opponent will play, giving us a glimpse into the future meta of MetaZoo.

Collect-A-Con Expectations & Surprises

There is some BIG news about what we can expect to see at the Miami Collect-A-Con on March 29th and 30th, starting at 10am EST. GQL Lead Game Developer, Skaff Elias, showcased exclusive Convention Packs, which will have the opportunity to spread the intrigue around MetaZoo to CaC guests regardless of their familiarity. These packs include either 2 Full Art cards or 2 Sketch Cards. Both of the cards will be the same to incentivize you to keep one and trade one with someone else to complete the convention set. A completed set (20 Full Art or 30 Sketch Cards) can be taken to the MetaZoo booth and be confirmed for a redemption card. This fun addition to the convention experience encourages meeting other people in our community and playing a game within the game that will have guests scouring the crowd to find their next trading card partner!

Convention Packs

Additionally, artists will be on deck to sign the cards you acquire at the convention! At Miami you can expect to see immensely talented Jett Yates and Lillie McKay there to interact with the fans and doodle on some cards!

Susan Scheid, Marketing Director at GQL gave us some insight into what the MetaZoo experience at Collect-A-Con will look like. She confirmed that there will be alpha demo games running, a unique Miami Collect-A-Con promo, booster packs and base set product for sale, the MetaZoo Magazine and "other surprises"! Want to know what those surprises are but can't make it to Miami? Tune in to MetaZoo News' coverage on our website, Instagram and YouTube pages!

Other Info & Final Thoughts

Along with all of those exciting updates we also were able to get a sneak peak into the printing process with Dustin Zummerman, an Art Director at GQL. We witnessed large uncut sheets go through the printer, cut and sent down the conveyer belt to the collation machine for organizing & packaging. He also went over his inspection process before he gives his final approval.

Additionally, David Yang, Head of International Sales shared an updated distribution map that put MetaZoo in almost every part of the globe with new areas being scouted and prepped for potential distribution access.

With a revamped gameplay system, an expanded art direction, and a global push to bring MetaZoo to more players, the 2025 relaunch is shaping up to be one of the most exciting moments in MetaZoo history. We can't wait to see what the future has in store for the Zoo!

TL;DR - The Key Points

* Booster Boxes & Packs - 24 packs per box, each containing 11 gameplay cards + 1 Aura or Token Card. Alt art boxes by Poncho randomly inserted!

* Alpha Demo Decks - A simplified way for new and veteran players to learn the game before jumping into full matches.

* Booster Pack Composition– 6 commons, 2 uncommons, 1 reverse holo, 2 holo rares, and a chance at a textured alt art!

* Website & Lore Hub – Theofficial MetaZoo TCG website is live with lore, card lists, and periodic new art.

MetaZoo Magazine – A 36-page magazine including 2 booster packs, 2 alpha demo packs, and 1 alpha promo pack.

Learn to Play the Demo Game! – MetaZoo now has an easy-to-follow online tutorial series for new players. 

Artists Spotlight – Kelsey Jachino shared insights into her art, including how she uses real-life inspirations and a Van Gogh-like style.

Expansion #1 Sneak Peek – Water Aura is coming! Loveland Frogman is CONFIRMED for the first expansion.

Collect-A-Con Surprises – Exclusive Convention Packs (full art or sketch cards) will be tradeable for redemption prizes. Artists Jett Yates & Lillie McKay will be signing cards! 

MetaZoo at CaC Miami – Expectalpha demo games, promos, packs, magazines, product sales, and other surprises.